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ACR PR-600e Insert Electric Fire



Fireplace Suite Option

Product Description

It is fair to say that the ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire is one of the much sought after modern day electric stoves. While we will cover the extensive range of settings and heat output in a moment, at first glance you will see what looks like a traditional wood-burning/multifuel stove. This is the beauty of the modern day electric stove, the ability to mimic a traditional machine while offering instant heat, numerous fuel bed settings and even different colours. The days of the 2/3 bar electric fires have gone the inefficiency and obvious safety problems, replaced by a new era of high-class, highly efficient and very easy on the eye machines.

The ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire has a phenomenal 16 different flame effects and two different heat settings. While heat output of 0.8 kW and 1.6 kW is not comparable to wood-burning/multifuel stoves, this kind of misses the point of the modern day electric stove. This heat will take the chill from your room, create an ambience but it is the huge range of different effects which make it standout. Overall, the incredibly realistic LED flame effect has 64 different settings including different flame colours, high flame, medium flame, low flame and our favourite, glowing embers. From red to blue, yellow to green, you can quite literally create a style of your choice!

Such is the power of the 64 different effect options that the machine has been created in a manner which allows you to use the flame effect independent of the heater. So, not only is the ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire a much sought after machine, but it can be as much a part of the furniture as an electric fire. There is nothing like returning from a hard day at the office, kicking off those shoes and lying back. Thankfully, the ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire comes with its own programmable remote control and for those a little more tech savvy; you can download the ACR app to your phone for total control.

Inserting the ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire into a location of your choice also allows you to maintain space in your room. The installation process is swift and simple, and in no time at all you will have your own floorshow to remember. The dimensions are height 650 mm, width 678 mm with a depth of 168 mm and weighing in at 19.2 kg. The visual effects of the ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire are a sight to behold, the heat output enough to take the chill off your room but it is the 64 different effect options which will have you coming back time and time again.

A great addition to your room, whether as a centrepiece or positioned in the background, you will be amazed at the ACR PR 600E Inset electric fire!

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