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Broseley Ora Inset Electric Stove




Product Description

One of the main challenges for the electric stove market has been removing and replacing the stigma of years gone by. It is fair to say that the Broseley Ora Inset electric stove its helping change the stigma, replacing the name and image of the old three bar electric fire. It goes without saying that there is no comparison with the aesthetics, but electric stoves of today are more than just easy on the eye. So, what should you expect with a Broseley Ora Inset electric stove and why is it proving so popular?

The first question on many people's lips when spotting the Broseley Ora Inset electric stove is:-

"Is it really an electric fire?"

Companies such as Broseley have invested huge amounts of time, effort and money into creating the perfect range of electric stoves. This particular model has a stylish steel body, robust cast-iron door and comes in a matt black finish. Those who follow the stove market will realise this is exactly the same materials used with woodburning/multifuel stoves. This particular electric stove also has an ultra-realistic flame effect with a glowing log bed, complemented by the expanded viewing area. You will have to get up close and personal before you realise this is not a woodburning/multifuel stove.

The dimensions of the Broseley Ora Inset electric stove come in at width 490 mm, height 587 mm with a depth of 224 mm. The inset depth is 69 mm which means that the Broseley Ora Inset electric stove will only take up a small area of your room space. The heat output is between 1 kW and 2 kW and the machine comes with a thermostatic control for the flame effect. Many people are also mesmerised by the remote control which allows you to lie back, enjoy the atmosphere and control your Broseley Ora Inset electric stove from afar.

Imagine the scene, using the seven day programmable thermostatic controller; you can program your Broseley Ora Inset electric stove to switch on just before you get home. The heat will take the chill out of the room; the flames and the log bed creating a relaxing ambience, perfect for chilling out.

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