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Classic 5 Eco Multifuel Stove




Product Description

The new Classic 5 Eco woodburning and multifuel stove is the latest addition to the Gallery Collection. As you can see from the images, this is a traditional shape and style but incorporates the latest in combustion technology. The ability to merge a traditional look with the latest in combustion technology is no mean feat. Hence the reason the Classic 5 Eco woodburning/multifuel stove is proving to be popular. Where do we start with the Classic 5 Eco stove?

Firstly, this is a DEFRA approved machine which means it can be used in smoke controlled areas, as well as having CE approval. The stove is also Ecodesign compliant which ensures that it ticks all of the environmentally friendly boxes with an energy rating of A. The cast-iron construction is a mark of quality and illustrates how these stoves are built to last. This is further reflected by the 10 year castings warranty which comes with each new stove. The maximum heat output on this particular machine is 5 kW and is has an impressive 82.5% efficiency rating.

As you can see from the image, there is a relatively large viewing area which is complimented by the airwash system. This ensures the glass remains clear at all times. We know from feedback that many customers like to watch the flickering flames and the burning embers which can be extremely relaxing. The dimensions of the Classic 5 Eco stove come in at width 404 mm, height 591 mm with a depth of 324 mm, weighing in at 70 kg. The Classic 5 Eco stove has a top exit flue with a 5 inch diameter and a cast-iron multifuel grate.

The style is described as timeless and traditional but don't fall into the trap of assuming it is just one of many timeless classics. As we touched on above, the design and the look of the Classic 5 Eco stove is traditional but it incorporates the latest in combustion technology. The ability to burn and reburn fuel, reducing emissions and maximising heat output is extremely important. It is not difficult to see why it is proving popular, whether as a central focus in your room or subtly placed in the corner

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