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Parkray Aspect 4 ECO Stove



Handle Option
Multifuel Kit Option
Direct Air Kit Option

Product Description

As we approach the Eco Design deadline of 2022 you will be pleased to learn that the Parkray Aspect 4 stove is fully compliant with the forthcoming regulations. This ensures that the Parkray Aspect 4 stove is one of the most efficient and technologically advanced machines on the market today. As you can see from the design, there is an enlarged viewing area where you can relax and gaze into the combustion chamber watching the flickering flames and burning embers. Modern day stoves create a deep seated heat which is difficult to explain until you have experienced it. The fact that this stove only comes in a wood-burning variety says everything about its return to traditional values.

The heat output ranges from 3.5 kW up to 5.5 kW with a nominal 4.9 kW rating as well as an impressive 85.9% efficiency rating. As you might have guessed, this stove is also DEFRA approved with the latest tripleburn technology taking centre stage. You may be aware this combustion technology burns, re-burns and burns emissions again to maximise heat output and minimise gas release. The hot airwash system is also very useful as it ensures that the glass viewing area is clear at all times. The machine weighs a relatively light 56 kg although you should not be fooled into thinking this compact stove is a lightweight. The dimensions are width 384 mm, height 515 mm with a depth of 327 mm which offers significant flexibility as to where you place it in your room.

The enlarged viewing area perfectly illustrates the latest trends in the stove market, something which Hunter Stoves has been very quick to recognise. While there is a standard stainless steel handle there is also the option to switch to a black handle. The design is traditional, the look dominated by the enlarged viewing area and this is perfect for small to medium sized rooms. While there are similarities between many of the Parkray stoves available today, they have their own niche, their own look and their own attractions. As with all the best stoves, you have to see this machine to believe it. We strongly recommend checking out a Parkray Aspect 4 stove if you get the opportunity.

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