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Penman Aurus Woodburning Stove - Steel Top Stove




Product Description

The mix of German engineering, the latest in combustion technology and a stunning contemporary design make the Penman Aurus Woodburning stove a much sought after product. While many stoves offer promise, few are able to deliver like the Eco Design Ready Penman Aurus Woodburning stove, perfect for a world where emissions and efficiency are front and centre. The ability to mix traditional woodburning fuel with the latest combustion technology, and create an environmentally friendly stove, is a very powerful skill. So what else does the Penman Aurus Woodburning stove have to offer?

As you can see, the contemporary design is eye-catching; the large central viewing area draws your eyes and is complimented by two smaller side viewing windows. There is also a powerful airwash system which ensures that the glass is clean at all times, allowing you to watch the flickering flames and the burning embers. The dimensions of the Penman Aurus Woodburning stove come in at width 490 mm, height 1009 mm with a depth of 485 mm. There is a top flue outlet measuring 125 mm (5 inches) in diameter which looks the part with a standard flue system or stand-alone style. The fact that the Penman Aurus Woodburning stove is at home in either a contemporary or traditional style room has certainly expanded its popularity and increased demand.

The Penman Aurus Woodburning stove provides a nominal 5 kW heat output and has an 84% efficiency rating with an A+ energy ranking. As we touched on above, in a world where the environmental is front and centre, emissions and efficiency ratings are constantly under scrutiny; this bodes well for the future. It is also useful to highlight the finishing touches, such as the brushed vertical handle running the height of the door. While the cylindrical shape is not to everybody's taste, this is a contemporary style which continues to grow in popularity. Eye-catching, yes, practical, certainly and offering excellent value for money, it is no surprise the Penman Aurus Woodburning stove is proving a favourite amongst consumers.
While there is huge demand for traditional designed stove, the contemporary market is also crowded and it takes something special to standout. Step forward the Penman Aurus Woodburning stove which has an excellent efficiency rating, the highest energy ranking and also incorporates the latest in combustion technology. The ability to burn and re-burn fuel, reducing emissions while also maximising heat output, has created a win-win situation. While the images and the descriptions certainly give you an outline of the machine, this is one which you need to see in real life to fully appreciate.

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