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Penman Avebury Multifuel Stove




Product Description

While the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove doffs a cap to the old world design and look of a woodburning stove, this is a multifuel stove. Therefore, not only can you burn wood but you can also burn solid fuel. While some may suggest this is a little risky in the current environment, with regulations heightening on a regular basis, it has worked perfectly. Not only is the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove Eco Design Ready but it is also approved by DEFRA which is certainly a feather in the cap. We live in an era where the environment and efficiency are headline news, where stove manufacturers are under pressure, with consumers demanding more environmentally friendly products. It is safe to say that the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove ticks all of these boxes.

As you can see from the images, this is a traditional looking stove which allows you to burn a range of different fuels. Behind the traditional design lays the latest in combustion technology where fuel is burnt and re-burnt. This ensures that emissions are minimised while fuel output is maximised, something all stoves will be measured on going forward. The cast-iron body incorporates a relatively large glass viewing area where you can watch the flickering flames and the burning embers. Thankfully, there is also a powerful airwash system which ensures that the glass viewing area is clear at all times. Great start!

Turning now to the dimensions, the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove has a width of 531 mm, height of 630 mm with a depth of 350 mm. There is the option of a top or rear flue outlet which is 125 mm (5 inches) in width. The side and rear distance to combustibles is 600 mm which is something you need to bear in mind when positioning your stove. The heat output is a nominal 5 kW, ranging from 2.5 kW up to 8 kW, which is more than enough to heat a medium sized room and take the chill off a large room. The efficiency rating of 84% and the A+ energy ranking perfectly illustrate the eco-friendly credentials of the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove.
The look and the design of the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove is a hark back to the traditional wood-burning stoves of years gone by. Except this is a multifuel stove, which incorporates the latest combustion technology. Eco-friendly, easy on the eye and extremely efficient, it is difficult to pick any fault with the Penman Avebury Multifuel stove. As with the better stoves of today, you will be even more impressed when you view one in the showroom.

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