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Portway P2 Contemporary Multifuel Stove



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Product Description

The Portway P2 Contemporary Multifuel Stove is a steel built stove, that has a cast iron door which includes a large viewing window that is phenomenally easy to use. This particular stove is crafted in a high quality black finish, and comes with a selection of 3 different leg heights, making this an extremely versatile, unique stove.

Ideal for a room that requires a little more heating, the Portway P2 Contemporary stove has an astonishing heat output rating of 6.9kW. However, if you have a room which is more of standard size, but would like the larger appliance fitted in their home, there is the option to have 'reducer bricks' easily fitted within your stove, which will reduce the size of the fire chamber, which in effect will reduce the heat output to a steady, 5kW.

This sleek-looking, free-standing stove comes with the optional different height legs, you have the higher option (300mm) or the lower option (150mm), which allows the stove to be positioned at 3 varying heights, that all create a stunning look. If the stove is positioned correctly, the space between the bottom of the stove and floor can be used to store logs, to make it look not only aesthetically pleasing, but practical too. Should the room which you are having the stove fitted, have high ceilings, there is the option of a canopy to fit on top of the stove, which will increase the overall height, creating a focal point.

This stove, the Portway P2 Contemporary Multifuel can burn logs up to 410mm (16"), and can be installed in any smoke controlled area. Fortunately, this specific product benefits from a 10 year guarantee, and it fully compliant with the Eco-Design 2022 EU standards, which have been put in place to improve the environment by manufacturing highly efficient stoves, that will provide a cleaner burn, and low emissions.

The sizable viewing window provides anyone in the room with that perfect view of the roaring flames, which is kept clear with the built-in, active, clean airwash system. Also, with this stove, you can have either a top or rear, interchangeable, 5" flue outlet, which provides you with more variety on installation as to the positioning, especially with it's slimline depth. You will struggle to find a better stove than the Portway P2 Contemporary that is able to recessed into a chamber, where sometimes the depth can be at a premium.

As this stove has a multi-fuel option, you can either burn wood logs or approved solid fuels. The Portway P2 Contemporary Multi-fuel stove is DEFRA approved, and classed as a 'Smoke Exempt Appliance', so even if you are located within a smoke controlled area, you can legally burn wood or smokeless fuels on this product. The cleaning of this stove has been taken into consideration during the designing and manufacturing as the large, easy to carry ashpan has been included for the simple maintenance, which can be used by everyone.

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