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ACR Neo 3C Electric Stove



Flue Kit Option

Product Description

Where do we start with the extremely stylish ACR Neo 3C Electric Stove? As you will see from the image, the ACR Neo 3C Electric Stove really does have a look and feel of a traditional wood-burning/multifuel stove. Created specifically for open plan living spaces and conservatories this is one of the most realistic electric stoves on the market today. Have you seen the front and side glass windows? Well, this particular machine is one of only a few to feature flame effect technology that is visible from the front, back and middle - giving an extremely realistic look and feel.

The stove itself is manufactured from lightweight steel which is extremely durable and enhanced by the protective matt-black powder coat finish. The stove has the option of 1 kW or 2 kW heat output and can also be used as a purely decorative flame effect machine, with no heat output - perfect for the summer evenings. There is also the opportunity to purchase a decorative flue pipe kit together with a black glass top and choice of two black glass hearths. The dimensions of the ACR Neo 3C Electric Stove come in at height 1067 mm, width 490 mm with a depth of 390 mm. The heat output is between 1 kW and 2 kW and the machine is relatively lightweight, yet still durable, at just 45 kg. The realistic nature of the modern day electric stove needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. The ACR Neo 3C Electric Stove holds and promotes all of these characteristics!

If you want it to look more like a woodburner - you can add a flue kit for just £78.00. This includes a magnetic flue collar, flue pipe & bend and a wall plate.

All ACR stoves are supplied with a 2 in 1 intelligent remote control. All the day to day functions such as turning the stove on and off and adjusting the flame effect settings. Slide open the lower section of the handset to reveal the programmable seven day timer facility with a three settings per day timer and fully adjustable thermostatic control.

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