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While we are available via email sales@bowlandstoves.co.uk, live chat and telephone 01706 813393 during opening hours, we find that many people tend to have similar questions. We have therefore compiled some FAQ's which will help you with some of the most common issues and questions. If you need any further information or perhaps your query is not covered here then please feel free to contact us by telephone, email, live chat or Whats App and we will do our best to help.

How often should I sweep my chimney?

We recommend having your chimney swept at least twice a year when burning wood and at least once a year when burning smokeless fuels.

Who can install my stove?

Your stove should be fitted by a HETAS registered engineer who can then provide you with a certificate that may now be required when selling the house and by your home insurer.

What size stove do I need?

The kilowatt size of your stove will all depend on the size of your room and how well insulated that space is. You can use the Room Kilowatt Calculator to help!

How much space will I need around the stove?

Each manufacturer will supply minimum clearance measurements for both combustible and non-combustible surfaces.

Do I need an air vent in my room?

This will all depend on the kilowatt of stove you choose, anything over 5kW we do recommend you have an air vent or a direct air kit to your stove.

Where can I buy spare parts for my stove from?

Here at Bowland Stoves, we can supply stove spares for the majority of the major stove manufacturers. We only sell genuine parts which ensures quality, value for money and durability. If you need any help with spare parts, then please don't hesitate to contact us.

Is my chimney, flue, or fireplace suitable for a stove installation?

Many factors play a role in determining whether a chimney or a fireplace is suitable for an installation of a stove. We recommend getting a HETAS engineer to come and do a survey as they can then inspect the condition of your fireplace and your flue. Please get in touch with us if you want us to book a survey.

What fuel can I burn on my stove?

On a woodburning only stove, we recommend well seasoned logs. On a multifuel stove, we recommend well seasoned logs or smokeless solid fuel, which can include ovals or briquettes etc.

I need to replace my door and glass seals on my stove, what do I do?

We do now provide a stove door service where we can re-rope and replace your glass. If this is not required, then you will need to know the diameter of the rope required, you can then purchase the correct rope seal kit which includes the rope, rope glue and rope end tape.

Is a woodburner better for the environment than an open fire?

Yes, a modern efficient Ecodesign stove emits 80% less particulates into the atmosphere than an open fire. Wood is also a renewable resource.

I don't have a chimney, can I still have a stove installed?

Yes it is still possible as you may be able to have a twin wall system but like all potentional stove installation we would recommend getting a HETAS engineer to come a do a survey first.

Why would I need a flue liner?

You will require a flue liner to be installed if the existing chimney is deemed unfit for purpose and regarded as potentionally dangerous. Many HETAS engineers will not install a stove without a flue liner.

Why does smoke enter my room when I refuel?

This is caused by a back draught bringing smoke back down the flue pipe when the air pressure changes quickly. To prevent this from happening, open all air inlets first then open the door slightly and slowly which allows the pressure within the stove to equalise with the air pressure in the room.