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Broseley Elstow Inset Electric Stove




Product Description

Since Broseley was acquired by Be Modern back in 2009, the company has managed to roll out an array of new products on a regular basis. The latest addition is the Broseley Elstow Electric Stove, an introduction which is perfectly timed as consumer attention is more focused on electric stoves today. Even though electric stoves have been around for many years, regulatory changes and concerns about the environment have prompted a huge increase in demand. Companies such as Broseley are certainly at the forefront of this new consumer trend. So, what does the Broseley Elstow Electric Stove have to offer?

As you can see from the image, this is a relatively classic design with certain adaptions for the electric stove market. You can see the fan vent up near the top of the machine, although other that it looks very similar to a wood-burning/multifuel counterpart. For many people, this is one of the many attractions of an electric stove. The fact that you can place this centre of your room or in the corner and it creates the ambience and the feel of a wood-burning/multifuel stove. It is only when you get closer that you see the flame effect and the log fuel bed. The heat output is between 1 kW and 2 kW which is controlled by the internal thermostat.

While it would have been easy to use traditional LEDs, Broseley have used the latest in low energy consumption LEDs. This helps with consumer expenses and is also positive for the environment. In the months and years to come, the environment and clean energy will become extremely prominent in the stove market. The dimensions of the freestanding Broseley Elstow Electric Stove come in at width 570 mm, height 618 mm with a depth of 205 mm. Even though many people are fully aware of the electric stove market, and recent technological advances, the Broseley Elstow Electric Stove is one of those products you need to see to fully appreciate.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the Broseley Elstow Electric Stove please feel free to contact us. We are fully up to speed with the latest in electric stoves, a growing market, and any questions that require additional information can be checked with Broseley. As an officially licensed retailer, we have access to the latest literature, information and advice.

570mm wide x 618mm high x 205mm deep

Matt Black

Remote Control

Decorative Flue Available

1-2 kw heat output

Eco Friendly Fire

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